$GERO Token Bridge How-to Guide (deprecated)

4 min readApr 30, 2022

Step 1: Navigate to the iagon bridge website

Official URL is https://bridge.iagon.com/

The website should appear like the screenshot below

***Only connect to official sites*** Double check that the URL is correct.

Step 2: Connect your MetaMask Wallet

***For this step, make sure you already have a MetaMask wallet created and that your $GERO tokens are stored in the wallet. You can learn more about how to setup MetaMask here: MetaMask How-to***

  • Select the ‘Connect Wallet’ Button in the top right corner of the Nomad Bridge webpage
  • Sign in if you haven’t already
  • Select your MetaMask account with the stored tokens you are bridging. It should look like the image below.
  • Select Next
  • Select Connect

Step 3: Setup MetaMask for Milkomeda Network

  • Locate the network setting at the top of your MetaMask wallet(shown below)
  • Select Add network
  • Enter the information below to add Milkomeda as a network

Network Name: Milkomeda Cardano (C1)
New RPC URL: https://rpc-mainnet-cardano-evm.c1.milkomeda.com
Chain ID: 2001
Currency Symbol (Optional): MilkADA
Block Explorer URL (Optional): https://explorer-mainnet-cardano-evm.c1.milkomeda.com

  • Change network to Milkomeda by selecting ‘Milkomeda’ from the drop-down list.

Step 4: Setting up the iagon Bridge

  • Set the Origin as ‘Ethereum’
  • Destination as ‘Milkomeda C1’
  • The addresses should match your MetaMask wallet address
  • It should appear as shown below
  • Select the $GERO from the dropdown menu
  • Enter the total amount of tokens, and Click ‘Next’

Note: Keep the number after the decimal point below 4. Otherwise the transaction may fail.

Step 5: Approve Transaction on MetaMask

  • First approve permission on MetaMask
  • Next, approve the transaction on MetaMask

Note: The approval on Nomad can take up to 90 minutes. This is a security measure and it is verifying the transaction.

IMPORTANT! Do not close the tab for the Bridge.

Step 6: Wait for Verification

Step 7: Setting up for Milkomeda *you can do this while you wait*

  • You will need to ensure Milkomeda is funded with MilkADA. To do so you can create a Nami wallet or Flint wallet. On Nami, entering your Milkomeda address (The 0x address used on iagon) on the send screen will automatically convert to Milkomeda mode, and ADA will automatically be converted to MilkADA. It should look similar to below.
  • Send 6–7 ADA to your Milkomeda address (this will be the same MetaMask address used on iagon).
  • Input the GeroWallet Cardano address where you would like to hold your $GERO, and then click send.

Step 8: Approve on MetaMask

  • Approve Permission on MetaMask
  • Approve Transaction on MetaMask
  • Wait for the bridge transaction to complete.

All Finished! Your $GERO (CNT) tokens will appear in your GeroWallet!




Written by GeroWallet

Bridging DeFi and your needs, in one wallet.

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